leaders are made not born, they learn, grow and develop into great leaders through the books they read, the people they associate with and from their experiences; so YUO can be a leader because being a great leader takes practice. there is saying that says "practice makes perfect" which is true because leaders are not born but are made. To develop great people skills, potential leaders need to learn how to become better listeners, how to accept critical feedback in a constructive way. Confidence is also a huge part of leadership, and is a trait you can practice and earn over time, responsibility and integrity are very important leadership skills to have, although no one is born knowing how to be responsible. Integrity itself is also a choice. Becoming more responsible and acting with integrity is achieved through accepting blame when something goes wrong, taking charge on solving difficult problems, and learning how to stay calm and troubleshoot when things do not go as planned.
Young and free.
Wednesday, 11 May 2016
Friday, 5 October 2012
LIFE LIFE,AMBITION POSTER .http://www.avert.org/media-gallery/image. |
What do terms such as a youth, young person and young adult really mean? What ages would you have to fall between to be classified as one of these? And if it is based on being a particular physical age, should it be this that is used as a quantifier? Ask a hundred people in the street these questions and I am sure you would get an absolute myriad of answers on what defines you as being young. I know some people who think being young means being in your early teens but I also know people who still see you as a young person if you are in your twenties. I think personally that being young is about your intelligence, your experience and your maturity. I have known some very mature teenagers with a ton of life skills but on the other hand I know some people in their twenties who aren’t ready to leave home yet and have the same attitudes and maturity that you would associate with a young person. I don’t think an age range should be put on the term young person although I would like to see some unified clarification on the term. I think that people should be treated as an individual and not be forced in to a new stage of life just because they have reached a certain age. The love life organisation trying to do a lot to make sure people in their early twenties get support and aren’t just expected to fend for themself. last week people of love lfe had a compaing in Maponya Mall (soweto) their aim was to motivate evryone that age does not mean you are young but what counts it how you think, your experiences and how much you know.
Friday, 28 September 2012
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Make a vote and be heard http://www.grownpeopletalking.com |
As we are approaching the time of electing our new campuses SRC as well as UJSRC representative for the year 2013, every student will vote but some won’t vote for some different reasons am asking myself if which party will win this year elections. Last year we sow many student in the four campuses going out to cast their votes, as SASCO and the ANCYL still remain leaders of the pack. About 10000 votes were cast in last year’s elections, Kingsway - the biggest campus - saw more than 4300 votes cast, About 0 votes were cast in Doornfontein and another 2141 on the Bunting Road campus, Soweto saw 1300 students vote And the winners? SASCO won all the portfolio positions outright as well as two positions for the overall UJSRC. The ANCYL took Kingsway campus, winning every campus portfolio and both UJSRC positions. Second place for every position was a tight contest between SASCO and the DA Students Organisation.
Your vote is your secrete http://www.ru.ac.za/latestnews |
The Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) is the permanent body created by the Constitution to manage free and fair elections at all levels of government. Although publicly funded and accountable to parliament, they are independent of the government. Makobe is theIndependent Electoral Commission (IEC) official coordinator said: They are ready to run this election smoothly and fairly in the past few weeks they were around the four campuses doing workshop regarding on how to vote because some students do not know how does ballot paper look like. John Smith a 3rd year BA Marketing student also said “that these IEC workshop really helped a lot because for the past few years he was making mistakes when he votes, but now he won’t make a mistakes thanks to the IEC and the UJSRC for giving students like me this kind of opportunity MY VOTE IS MY VOICE.” In every corner of the four campuses you see student wearing their T-Shirt of different societies. My question is who will win these elections this year.
Friday, 21 September 2012
In a couple of days, South Africans will be celebrating Heritage Day – yet it is surprising the number of young people who really know its significance. Heritage Day, celebrated annually as a public holiday on 24 September, is a day of reflection of which we are, where we come from and where we are heading to as people. Heritage- means that you came from and belong to the place that you were born in. This means that South Africa belongs to you. Are you proud to be a South African.?
A Xhosa dance group giving it their best performance for a lovely crowed http://photo.net/photodb/photo?photo. |
In a couple of days, South Africans will be celebrating Heritage Day – yet it is surprising the number of young people who really know its significance. Heritage Day, celebrated annually as a public holiday on 24 September, is a day of reflection of which we are, where we come from and where we are heading to as people. Heritage- means that you came from and belong to the place that you were born in. This means that South Africa belongs to you. Are you proud to be a South African.?
The Zulu dance, if you are strong men you can do this dance http://www.shutterstock.com/pic. |
A lot of young people do not know their cultural background because they are not listening to their elders, Following instructions from the elders is a good thing. We all know where we come from but we seem to be afraid to follow cultural customs because of what people will say about us. I see lot of young people on a daily basis who do not know in which direction they are headed in life, I am very concerned and I wish that Elders of these lost souls should take a step back and speak to these kids about what their heritage is all about. Aphiwe Mashinini a first year accounting student said that she knew her heritage and was very proud of it. “I am a Xhosa women and I know what women of my culture should do and not do.” President Jacob Zuma, at the time deputy president, said in a Heritage Day speech in 1999 that Africa was recognised as the cradle of mankind. “In our part of the continent, we have a rich and varied past that is only now being appreciated for its complexity and diversity. Indeed, our heritage is the foundation from which we are working to rebuild our society.”
it means we as South Africans live in a country of diversity, and because of this we should all be accommodating and respect other people’s heritage.
Friday, 14 September 2012
Making a difference in life
matrics are studying hard to pass. http://www.mydreamcourse.co.za/blog/2010/04/16. |
Every morning you should ask yourself "What one thing could I do today that would make a positive difference in my life and the lives of those around me?" And then go out and do it. As we all know that this time of the year, it really hard for our brothers and sisters who are doing matric. As a young person you can make a difference to another young people like you, making a difference does not have to be a well-known person, but it you alone and you don’t need a crowed to do it.
There are people out there who die without making a difference in life “great tragedy of life is that so many people go to their graves with their lives unlived.” They had dreams that they never acted on. They were too busy living the sort of life that was expected of them. They were so busy trying to please other people, often at the expense of their own desires, that they had no time for their own happiness, Said Yonela msiya who is doing his 2nd year in BA Social work at the University of Johannesburg. Early this month he visit’s one the school in east rand were he offer accounting lessons for matric learners and he also motivate them in making their books best friend so that can achieve good results at the end of the year.
Yonela msiya student from UJ is doing motivation for matric learners at Lesiba secondary school in East rand. http://www.visualphotos.com/image/2x4519747. |
As Young people you have the greatest power of any living thing on this planet. You have the power of choice. You have the power to choose how to behave, what to say and when to say it. You have the power to control your attitude. You have the power to make a difference. You have the power to choose whether your words build or break. You can choose whether your contribution is constructive or destructive. You can choose whether your influence is positive or negative. Choose to make difference. There are many young lives that are lost out there, they need you to say something different to them they need your help they need someone like you to make soothing different to them. They don’t need your money but they need your time to make a difference in their lives. Realize that you do not have to do something earth shattering to make a difference. It's the little things that often have the greatest impact. A smile, a friendly word, a compliment, a helping hand, a sympathetic ear, these are the things that you can do every day and the only cost is that you put your ego in your pocket for a while and you give your attention to the other person's feelings. Make a difference in someone’s life and see difference in yours also.
Friday, 24 August 2012
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Reading mind is like a parachute, keep your mind young by reading www.google.com |
The more you mentally challenge your brain the more new brain cells you create, people say reading is boring and exhorting but it is not like that, it because they are just lazy to read. Those who read always keep their minds young and active and if you don't read your mind becomes lazy to think. Reading is one of the best ways to stimulate your brain. Read classic literature that will not only increase your vocabulary, but your knowledge; History, Biography, and Self-Help books all provide you with new information and are likely to make you a better conversationalist. Reading is a must for a healthy and active mind. Read what you like, what makes you passionate and what fuels your soul. Read anything, just read. Keep books or magazines in your car, hand bag, or backpack to pull out whenever you are going to be in one place for a while. Over and above, reading builds an informed nation because "a nation uninformed is a nation doomed". Reading is an empowerment tool that boosts confidence, self-assertiveness and belief in ones convictions. Aanyone who stops reading is old whether at twenty or eight, when you read your mind stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.
Friday, 17 August 2012
The slang terms that are most used by young people www.wordlet.net |
The language that is most loved by young people, they use this language to communicate with their friends. slang makes life easier to every young person because the is no need to use big words when you talking to your friends. There is also a big problem when a person use a slang most of the time, because you might use a slang in a wrong place, like in an interview so you should be careful were you use slang language. Slang is the language of young people, slang can be described as informal, nonstandard words or phrases (lexical innovations) which tend to originate in subcultures within a society. It is a fast moving river and although its bends and flows seem the same. People argue that slang in the form of AIM lingo causes students to under-perform in English tests or exams because they do not always fight the tendency to use AIM abbreviations. Slang in the form of ghetto lingo is also problematic when it comes to tests because, students forget to write in a proper English and they mix English with slang. When people lament the state of the English language, they often criticise new vocabulary, such as the slang, buzzwords and jargon that arise from young people, advertising, and technology. But new vocabulary marks linguistic change only in a relatively superficial way. Significant changes in language happen more slowly.
-aw yea - Oh, yes.
-balla' - Someone who flaunts money.
-ballin - To flaunt money. To be noticeably rich.
-bank - money. Usually a lot of it. "He got bank!"
-be easy - A plead for someone to calm down or relax.
-wassup - (derived from "what's up?") What is going on? How is it going? Good to see you.
-you feel me? - A question asked to make sure someone understands you or where you’re coming from. See “feel me.”
see full list at: http://www.thesource4ym.com/teenlingo/
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