Friday 24 August 2012


Reading mind is like a parachute, keep your mind young by reading

The more you mentally challenge your brain the more new brain cells you create, people say reading is boring and exhorting but it is not like that, it because they are just lazy to read. Those who read always keep their minds young and active and if you don't read your mind becomes lazy to think. Reading is one of the best ways to stimulate your brain. Read classic literature that will not only increase your vocabulary, but your knowledge; History, Biography, and Self-Help books all provide you with new information and are likely to make you a better conversationalist. Reading is a must for a healthy and active mind. Read what you like, what makes you passionate and what fuels your soul. Read anything, just read. Keep books or magazines in your car, hand bag, or backpack to pull out whenever you are going to be in one place for a while. Over and above, reading builds an informed nation because "a nation uninformed is a nation doomed". Reading is an empowerment tool that boosts confidence, self-assertiveness and belief in ones convictions. Aanyone who stops reading is old whether at twenty or eight, when you read your mind stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.

Friday 17 August 2012


                                      THE LANGUAGE OF YOUNG PEOPLE

The slang terms that are most used by young people

The language that is most loved by young people, they use this language to communicate with their friends. slang makes life easier to every young person because the is no need to use big words when you talking to your friends. There is also a big problem when a person use a slang most of the time, because you might use a slang in a wrong place, like in an interview so you should be careful were you use slang language. Slang is the language of young people, slang can be described as informal, nonstandard words or phrases (lexical innovations) which tend to originate in subcultures within a society. It is a fast moving river and although its bends and flows seem the same. People argue that slang in the form of AIM lingo causes students to under-perform in English tests or exams because they do not always fight the tendency to use AIM abbreviations. Slang in the form of ghetto lingo is also problematic when it comes to tests because, students forget to write in a proper English and they mix English with slang. When people lament the state of the English language, they often criticise new vocabulary, such as the slang, buzzwords and jargon that arise from young people, advertising, and technology. But new vocabulary marks linguistic change only in a relatively superficial way. Significant changes in language happen more slowly.

                           COOL CAMPUS SLANG

-aw yea - Oh, yes.
-balla' - Someone who flaunts money. 

-ballin -   To flaunt money. To be noticeably rich.

-bank - money. Usually a lot of it. "He got bank!"  

-be easy - A plead for someone to calm down or relax.

-wassup - (derived from "what's up?") What is going on? How is it going?  Good to see you. 

-you feel me? - A question asked to make sure someone understands you or where you’re coming from. See “feel me.”

Wednesday 8 August 2012



                     SNOW IN JOHANNESBURG

Students at wits were excited to see snow, they were taking
pictures others were playing around with a snow.

Everyone in Johannesburg was so excited to see the snow, others it was their very first time to see the snow they usually see it on televisions/movies especially young people. the noise that their were making usual told me that some of them they never sow it before, they could not resist their excitements some students did not even attend classes; come outside despite the cold wind pointed their mobile phone cameras to the sky and opened their mouths to taste a rare snowfall that fell on much of the country. The falling of the snow was such a good experience for many young people in the city of Johannesburg because we never thought that in Johannesburg can fall a snow, but it did this is such a blessing said fezeka PR Student in University of Johannesburg. Venetia Phakula, forecaster at the South African Weather Service, told the Mail & Guardian. Snow is a rare occurrence in Gauteng, with snowfall having been experienced in May 1956, August 1962, June 1964, September 1981 and on June 27 2007. September 1981 has the greatest snowfall on record, with statistics showing snowfall accumulating up to 10 centimetres across the province. What causes a snow  "The snow is actually caused by the pressure in the upper level of the atmosphere. It is not very common to experience this
 in the northern parts of the region," said Riet.

The tables at the University of Johannesburg student centre

  • Remember in bad weather stopping distances can increase significantly.
  • Always apply brakes gently, Release them and DE-clutch if the car skids.
  • Ensure tyres are in good condition for maximum traction on slippery roads.
  • Use major roads for journeys and beware of black ice.

Friday 3 August 2012



These young people are enjoying to play different sports which makes them healthy and ready for every
challenge they come across.  from left to right Dlamini, Brown, Terry, Smith, Miyer and Klee.
 Sport is very important for young people. Every young person should practise some sport, it is very essential. If you practise sport you will have a healthy life, you must not drink alcohol and you must not smoke. It is wonderful for the heart and lungs. because, you burn a lot of calories. If you take up a sport you won’t have limits, you’ll meet new people, new friends and Sport helps you if you have any problems,... and it joins all the countries together. As the London Olympics game is trying to inspire a generation of young people; "by giving hundreds of thousands of young people across the UK opportunities to learn new skills, try different activities and communities as a result of the London 2012 games; and improving the lives of millions disadvantaged young people around the world".

soccer sport horizontal kenya nairobi mathare slums mysa youth sports association girls football match
These young girls from Kokstard are playing soccer,
you can see that they love this sport because
 they play with their foot they dint have soccer boots,
that show that they love football no matter what!.

Practising a sport is very easy, and you only need to feel like it. In my town Kokstard, the main sports are football, basketball and Ruby but the common one it football because everyone loves football. The are sport based programme that have been shown to improve the learning performances of children and young people, encourage school attendance and a desire to succeed academically. Sports also provide a forum for young people to learn how to deal with competition and how to cope with both winning and losing, it can also have a positive benefits academical.
Finally, I think you should practise sports, it is the best thing that you can do. Just do it! Take up a sport!