Friday 9 March 2012


The biggest problem that is faced by young people today is unemployment. because we come in different backgrounds, were some of us did not get the opportunity to go to school. (sonny Cotton) think that the biggest problem for unemployment is; "because of the universal downturn in the economy coupled with the technology whereby particular jobs and skills are made obsolete, many youth today are experiencing problems in obtaining jobs". the threat to unemployment means financial worries, most of them find them selves in drugs, because they are trying to forget what they are facing that time. stealing and doing prostitution in order for them to get something to eat. I think the government should start looking to these problems with a different eye, because if they don't the youth of south Africa will be lost and our country Will be not a safe country, to live in. because youth Will do drugs and drugs leads the to crime. 

Another problem faced by young people is the tension between them and their parents and they find it difficult to work on it. this is coursed by the poor relationship they have with their parent. most of young people spend most of the time with friends than they should with their parents,  it may be parents are at work and children are at school. The area which pose a concern to young people and their parents is dating and sex, as some parent are more over protective to allow their children to go out with an opposite sex because they are worried that their children may be infected with AIDS. I think it will be a good idea for parents to talk to their children as early as 8 years old about sex and dating, because they become expose to that when thy start doing grade one."Some surveys have shown that the primary source of information most children, start to do sex at the age of ten because of the pressure they get from their peers, not from their parents. The tension between young people and their parent is caused by the poor communication that they have with their parent, parent should communicate with their children more of fen than they do. this will help them to develop strong relationship with their children's.


  1. This is realy overwelming.But as young people we must try by all means to respect our parents, and be willing to do whatever they tell us to do.

  2. parents have to get house strategy to go through those issues by giving more time to their children from the start sharing is caring,ignorance lead to hidden spot effect on a child.

  3. they say "this is the 21century and they want to enjoy life like never before" but they destrying their life.

  4. Knowadays we living in the world that is more civilised and lot of parents especially mothers have close relationships wth their children but the thing is as a children we would not take our mothers advise or tips of how to behave because we value our peer badies a lot with that mentality that they know better and our mothers are oldfishioned, so what do you think of that?

  5. Children should know that parents have been around for a long time so the know the difference between good and bad,so the youth should remember that being a teenager is a process of finding your self..we should listen and respect our parents.

  6. parents should lead by example and stop drinking infront of their children.they should be a gud example to their children .children must be responsible enough so as they can know right from wrong.

  7. i agree with you Precious.
