Thursday 26 April 2012

Laughter is the best medicine.

                                    LAUGHTER IS THE BEST MEDICINE.

Young people laughing
business people laughing from left T Nkosi, N Smith and A George.

Laughter is still the best medicine, and the only one perhaps that has no side effects. When a person loughs you get to see the other side of him/her. Just hearing people laughing at about anything can certainly bring us to burst of laughter too. Still many believe and would agree that to certain extent laughter is as good a therapy in relieving stress as those recommended by the experts. However some still believe that when we laugh, the process can make our stomach and our lungs expand, which also improves our blood circulation, boost the immune system, strengthen the heart, lowers the blood pressure, and give the nervous system a good stimulant.
Laughing can release a chemical in our body known as endorphin, which is a prove natural high stimulant. In like manner it decreases the cortisol level in the body, which is a chemical that tell us the level of stress a person is going through. The public relations point of view a people who likes to laugh they are easy approachable because there always a smile to a person who laughs. No one can ever question the benefits of laughter to a person. It has been proven that laughter can surely help us feel better when we are sad and down, Truly laughter is still the best medicine.   when laughter is shared, it binds people together and increases happiness Laughter also triggers healthy physical changes in the body. Humour and laughter strengthen your immune system, boost your energy, diminish pain, and protect you from the damaging effects of stress.

Friday 20 April 2012


                                    IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO CHANGE.

South Africa is known as a country that has a high rate of "crime"  because most of young people  are exposed to drugs at a young age. They get into drug because they want to get rid of tress of not having food to eat and money to go to school. A 20 year old Brixton resident who live with the dead now enhances people lives as a beauty therapist, Jonathan George was once a victim to the Sorge of drugs, he started smoking drugs at the age of 18 with his friends. This young boy did not have someone to guide him. so he was guided by his friends.

Peter receives his City and Guilds certificate from Managing Director, Gordon Love.
Jonathan George awarded International certificate
 in beauty therapy by Dr Aleit Pretorious and Transformation
 and development centre. (

Young people in our communities need people who would guide them through, but Transforming and development centre is there to help young ones at Johannesburg Brixton community (Gauteng). It applies cooperate social investment by helping young people in the  community who have special needs, disabilities and people who can not afford further education. The transformation and development centre PR is aiming to to assist young people among the community to attain various Milt-disciplinary skill such as beauty therapy, upholstering and automotive repairers. From a public relations point of view most young people lack a communication skill with their parents that is why they end up doing crime because they want money to buy something for themselves. Dr Aleit Pretorios and the centre have given a new leas on a life of a 18 year old boy who was addicted to drugs. He is been awarded International certificate in a beauty therapy and his life will never be the some, if you know of a young person who has lost track of his/her life just let that person know about the Transformation development centre in Brixton, because the centre it here to make a life change to the young minds that are lost. Don't experience with drugs because they will ruin your life.

Friday 13 April 2012

Know your status.

                                                     KNOW YOUR STATUS.


Health Minister Aaron Motsoaledi told SOWETAN "that he was not surprised to hear that 43% of people living with HIV also had a mental disorder." it is because many people do not worry themselves to go and test and when they found out that they are HIV positive, they panic a lot and forgetting that you can still live a healthy life with HIV, Am saying to you the is life after knowing that you are HIV positive. AIDS is a life-threatening disease caused by infection with the HIV (virus) which creates a condition where the body gradually loses its ability to defend itself against other opportunistic and potentially life-threatening diseases. HIV infection is spread only when an adequate amount of infected body fluid enters the bloodstream of a non-infected person.

It is important to know your status as young as you are do not wait until you get sick to go and do HIV test, it is your responsibility as an individual to go and test after three months, do not wait for the HIV & AIDS campaigns to come to you. People should know that, when you go for HIV & aids test it is not that you are living a careless life but it is for you to know your status, because there is a say that says " if you don't know your staters that mean you are positive. "In the beginning of the all four UJ campuses had campaigns about HIV & AIDS they do this every year because their mission is to develop effective strategies continually in order to ensure that students of the University are better prepared, both professionally and personally, to deal with HIV and AIDS in South African society.   there is no excuse for you not to test because in our campuses we have clinics and they are all free of charge. just take a step of change in your life and be free as young as you are, make a change in your life.

Friday 6 April 2012


                                                                      GOOD FRIDAY

On good Friday Christians remember the day when Christ was crucified on the cross.
 Good friday.

Many people ask themselves what is good Friday, good Friday is the Friday before Easter Sunday.  some people may ask themselves Why is it called Good Friday? The name may be derived from 'God's Friday' in the same way that good-bye is derived from 'God be with you'.It is 'good' because the barrier of sin was broken.

what happened on Good Friday
Tree crosses, the middle cross was for Jesus
Jesus was arrested and was tried in a mock trial, he was handed over to the Roman soldiers to be beaten and flogged with whips. A crown of long, sharp thorn was thrust upon his head. Jesus was forced to carry his own cross outside the city to skull Hill. H e was so weak after the beating that a man named Simon, who was from Cyrano, was pulled from the crowd and forced to carry Jesus cross the rest of the way. Jesus was nailed to the cross. Two other criminals were crucified with him, their cross were on either side of him.
A sign above Jesus read, "The king of Jews".

                                                     According to the Bible

The third hour of the day - Jesus was nailed to the cross
(9:00 am). The six hour of the day - the darkness covered the land
(12:00 noon). The ninth hour of the day - the darkness left and the Lord died
(3:00 pm). These hours in the bible are calculated from the first hour of the day, being six in the morning. His death paid the penalty not for his own wrong doings but for ours. We have no reason not to remember this day in our live. this is the powerful weekend you don't want to miss.