Friday 6 April 2012


                                                                      GOOD FRIDAY

On good Friday Christians remember the day when Christ was crucified on the cross.
 Good friday.

Many people ask themselves what is good Friday, good Friday is the Friday before Easter Sunday.  some people may ask themselves Why is it called Good Friday? The name may be derived from 'God's Friday' in the same way that good-bye is derived from 'God be with you'.It is 'good' because the barrier of sin was broken.

what happened on Good Friday
Tree crosses, the middle cross was for Jesus
Jesus was arrested and was tried in a mock trial, he was handed over to the Roman soldiers to be beaten and flogged with whips. A crown of long, sharp thorn was thrust upon his head. Jesus was forced to carry his own cross outside the city to skull Hill. H e was so weak after the beating that a man named Simon, who was from Cyrano, was pulled from the crowd and forced to carry Jesus cross the rest of the way. Jesus was nailed to the cross. Two other criminals were crucified with him, their cross were on either side of him.
A sign above Jesus read, "The king of Jews".

                                                     According to the Bible

The third hour of the day - Jesus was nailed to the cross
(9:00 am). The six hour of the day - the darkness covered the land
(12:00 noon). The ninth hour of the day - the darkness left and the Lord died
(3:00 pm). These hours in the bible are calculated from the first hour of the day, being six in the morning. His death paid the penalty not for his own wrong doings but for ours. We have no reason not to remember this day in our live. this is the powerful weekend you don't want to miss.


  1. lets just hope this day reminded people of the principles of humanity.

  2. I love celebrating good friday because it reminds me of everything Jesus sacrificed for me.

  3. Good friday is a good time to meet up with saints and share the grace of God with the loved ones.This blog is a different one what happend to its content?

    1. it realy a good time not to miss it, as i was in church this hole weeked, and i was in spirit when i was posting this.

  4. you know i think its good that you are informing us about what Good friday really is because the youth if today does not know the significance of Good friday...because in the times we live in today, any holiday means getting drunk to the point that you cannot even remember your own name.

    1. that is why the youth of today does nothave direction because what it their mind it get drunk and.....,

  5. I do not understnd why good fridays each and every year comes in different dates, what is the meaning of that?

    1. girl the things of god that we worship you wont understan them, just celebrate it.

  6. some people only go to church on good friday and christmas day so i want to know what is the cause of that?

    1. it becausethey are making church a religion, not something that live within them, hope you not one of those.

  7. i fellowshiped at change bible church this easter and i must say that ntokozo mbambo and her husband mbulelo both from MTN joyous celebration where worshiping as if it was the last three days of worship. i must say that Good friday or easter hliday's are celebrated in different ways each year. i have never enjoyed myself at church as much as i did during easter. the message was powereful. the paster said that everything we touch, we must command it to be fruitful and multiply but the best message of all was that i am fearfully and wonderfully made by God. the ministry, prais and worship were marvelous. i just wish i invited the whole P.R class to celebrate with me so that you can understand what good friday is trully about.

    1. that what we should do when we are in church worship God as if it the last day on earth.

  8. Celebrating good friday this year was the best,i didnt travel or anything but the little things we did with my family were a true blessing.
