Friday 5 October 2012


loveLife 'ambition' poster
What do terms such as a youth, young person and young adult really mean? What ages would you have to fall between to be classified as one of these? And if it is based on being a particular physical age, should it be this that is used as a quantifier? Ask a hundred people in the street these questions and I am sure you would get an absolute myriad of answers on what defines you as being young. I know some people who think being young means being in your early teens but I also know people who still see you as a young person if you are in your twenties. I think personally that being young is about your intelligence, your experience and your maturity. I have known some very mature teenagers with a ton of life skills but on the other hand I know some people in their twenties who aren’t ready to leave home yet and have the same attitudes and maturity that you would associate with a young person. I don’t think an age range should be put on the term young person although I would like to see some unified clarification on the term. I think that people should be treated as an individual and not be forced in to a new stage of life just because they have reached a certain age. The love life organisation trying to do a lot to make sure people in their early twenties get support and aren’t just expected to fend for themself. last week people of love lfe had a compaing in Maponya Mall (soweto) their aim was to motivate evryone that age does not mean you are young but what counts it how you think, your experiences and how much you know.

Friday 28 September 2012


Make a vote and be heard
As we are approaching the time of electing our new campuses SRC as well as UJSRC representative for the year 2013, every student will vote but some won’t vote for some different reasons am asking myself if which party will win this year elections. Last year we sow many student in the four campuses going out to cast their votes,  as  SASCO and the ANCYL still remain leaders of the pack. About 10000 votes were cast in last year’s elections, Kingsway - the biggest campus - saw more than 4300 votes cast, About 0 votes were cast in Doornfontein and another 2141 on the Bunting Road campus,  Soweto saw 1300 students vote  And the winners? SASCO won all the portfolio positions outright as well as two positions for the overall UJSRC. The ANCYL took Kingsway campus, winning every campus portfolio and both UJSRC positions. Second place for every position was a tight contest between SASCO and the DA Students Organisation. 


This year's SRC elections were run and monitored by the Independent Electoral Commission of South Africa.
Your vote is your secrete

The Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) is the  permanent body created by the Constitution to manage free and fair elections at all levels of government. Although publicly funded and accountable to parliament, they are independent of the government. Makobe is theIndependent Electoral Commission  (IEC) official coordinator said: They are ready to run this election smoothly and fairly in the past few weeks they were around the four campuses doing workshop regarding on how to vote because some students  do not know how does ballot paper look like. John Smith a 3rd year BA Marketing student also said “that these IEC workshop really helped a lot because for the past few years he was making mistakes when he votes, but now he won’t make a mistakes thanks to the IEC and the UJSRC for giving students like me this kind of opportunity MY VOTE IS MY VOICE.” In every corner of the four campuses you see student wearing their T-Shirt of different societies. My question is who will win these elections this year.

Friday 21 September 2012


A Xhosa dance group giving it their
best performance for a lovely crowed

In a couple of days, South Africans will be celebrating Heritage Day – yet it is surprising the number of young people who really know its significance. Heritage Day, celebrated annually as a public holiday on 24 September, is a day of reflection of which we are, where we come from and where we are heading to as people. Heritage- means that you came from and belong to the place that you were born in. This means that South Africa belongs to you. Are you proud to be a South African.?

The Zulu dance, if you are strong
men you can do this dance

A lot of young people do not know their cultural background because they are not listening to their elders, Following instructions from the elders is a good thing. We all know where we come from but we seem to be afraid to follow cultural customs because of what people will say about us. I see lot of young people on a daily basis who do not know in which direction they are headed in life, I am very concerned  and I wish that  Elders of these lost souls should take a step back and speak to these kids about what their heritage is all about. Aphiwe Mashinini a first year accounting student said that she knew her heritage and was very proud of it. “I am a Xhosa women and I know what women of my culture should do and not do.” President Jacob Zuma, at the time deputy president, said in a Heritage Day speech in 1999 that Africa was recognised as the cradle of mankind. “In our part of the continent, we have a rich and varied past that is only now being appreciated for its complexity and diversity. Indeed, our heritage is the foundation from which we are working to rebuild our society.”
it means we as South Africans live in a country of diversity, and because of this we should all be accommodating and respect other people’s heritage.

Friday 14 September 2012

Making a difference in life

matrics are studying hard to pass.

Every morning you should ask yourself "What one thing could I do today that would make a positive difference in my life and the lives of those around me?" And then go out and do it. As we all know that this time of the year, it really hard for our brothers and sisters who are doing matric. As a young person you can make a difference to another young people like you, making a difference does not have to be a well-known person, but it you alone and you don’t need a crowed to do it.
There are people out there who die without making a difference in life “great tragedy of life is that so many people go to their graves with their lives unlived.” They had dreams that they never acted on. They were too busy living the sort of life that was expected of them. They were so busy trying to please other people, often at the expense of their own desires, that they had no time for their own happiness, Said Yonela msiya who is doing his 2nd year in BA Social work at the University of Johannesburg. Early this month he visit’s one the school in east rand were he offer accounting lessons for matric learners and he also motivate them in making their books best friend so that can achieve good results at the end of the year.

Yonela msiya student from UJ is doing
 motivation for matric learners at
 Lesiba secondary school in East rand.

As Young people you have the greatest power of any living thing on this planet. You have the power of choice. You have the power to choose how to behave, what to say and when to say it. You have the power to control your attitude. You have the power to make a difference. You have the power to choose whether your words build or break. You can choose whether your contribution is constructive or destructive. You can choose whether your influence is positive or negative. Choose to make difference.  There are many young lives that are lost out there,  they need you to say something different to them they need your help they need someone like you to make soothing different to them. They don’t need your money but they need your time to make a difference in their lives. Realize that you do not have to do something earth shattering to make a difference. It's the little things that often have the greatest impact. A smile, a friendly word, a compliment, a helping hand, a sympathetic ear, these are the things that you can do every day and the only cost is that you put your ego in your pocket for a while and you give your attention to the other person's feelings. Make a difference in someone’s life and see difference in yours also.

Friday 24 August 2012


Reading mind is like a parachute, keep your mind young by reading

The more you mentally challenge your brain the more new brain cells you create, people say reading is boring and exhorting but it is not like that, it because they are just lazy to read. Those who read always keep their minds young and active and if you don't read your mind becomes lazy to think. Reading is one of the best ways to stimulate your brain. Read classic literature that will not only increase your vocabulary, but your knowledge; History, Biography, and Self-Help books all provide you with new information and are likely to make you a better conversationalist. Reading is a must for a healthy and active mind. Read what you like, what makes you passionate and what fuels your soul. Read anything, just read. Keep books or magazines in your car, hand bag, or backpack to pull out whenever you are going to be in one place for a while. Over and above, reading builds an informed nation because "a nation uninformed is a nation doomed". Reading is an empowerment tool that boosts confidence, self-assertiveness and belief in ones convictions. Aanyone who stops reading is old whether at twenty or eight, when you read your mind stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.

Friday 17 August 2012


                                      THE LANGUAGE OF YOUNG PEOPLE

The slang terms that are most used by young people

The language that is most loved by young people, they use this language to communicate with their friends. slang makes life easier to every young person because the is no need to use big words when you talking to your friends. There is also a big problem when a person use a slang most of the time, because you might use a slang in a wrong place, like in an interview so you should be careful were you use slang language. Slang is the language of young people, slang can be described as informal, nonstandard words or phrases (lexical innovations) which tend to originate in subcultures within a society. It is a fast moving river and although its bends and flows seem the same. People argue that slang in the form of AIM lingo causes students to under-perform in English tests or exams because they do not always fight the tendency to use AIM abbreviations. Slang in the form of ghetto lingo is also problematic when it comes to tests because, students forget to write in a proper English and they mix English with slang. When people lament the state of the English language, they often criticise new vocabulary, such as the slang, buzzwords and jargon that arise from young people, advertising, and technology. But new vocabulary marks linguistic change only in a relatively superficial way. Significant changes in language happen more slowly.

                           COOL CAMPUS SLANG

-aw yea - Oh, yes.
-balla' - Someone who flaunts money. 

-ballin -   To flaunt money. To be noticeably rich.

-bank - money. Usually a lot of it. "He got bank!"  

-be easy - A plead for someone to calm down or relax.

-wassup - (derived from "what's up?") What is going on? How is it going?  Good to see you. 

-you feel me? - A question asked to make sure someone understands you or where you’re coming from. See “feel me.”

Wednesday 8 August 2012



                     SNOW IN JOHANNESBURG

Students at wits were excited to see snow, they were taking
pictures others were playing around with a snow.

Everyone in Johannesburg was so excited to see the snow, others it was their very first time to see the snow they usually see it on televisions/movies especially young people. the noise that their were making usual told me that some of them they never sow it before, they could not resist their excitements some students did not even attend classes; come outside despite the cold wind pointed their mobile phone cameras to the sky and opened their mouths to taste a rare snowfall that fell on much of the country. The falling of the snow was such a good experience for many young people in the city of Johannesburg because we never thought that in Johannesburg can fall a snow, but it did this is such a blessing said fezeka PR Student in University of Johannesburg. Venetia Phakula, forecaster at the South African Weather Service, told the Mail & Guardian. Snow is a rare occurrence in Gauteng, with snowfall having been experienced in May 1956, August 1962, June 1964, September 1981 and on June 27 2007. September 1981 has the greatest snowfall on record, with statistics showing snowfall accumulating up to 10 centimetres across the province. What causes a snow  "The snow is actually caused by the pressure in the upper level of the atmosphere. It is not very common to experience this
 in the northern parts of the region," said Riet.

The tables at the University of Johannesburg student centre

  • Remember in bad weather stopping distances can increase significantly.
  • Always apply brakes gently, Release them and DE-clutch if the car skids.
  • Ensure tyres are in good condition for maximum traction on slippery roads.
  • Use major roads for journeys and beware of black ice.

Friday 3 August 2012



These young people are enjoying to play different sports which makes them healthy and ready for every
challenge they come across.  from left to right Dlamini, Brown, Terry, Smith, Miyer and Klee.
 Sport is very important for young people. Every young person should practise some sport, it is very essential. If you practise sport you will have a healthy life, you must not drink alcohol and you must not smoke. It is wonderful for the heart and lungs. because, you burn a lot of calories. If you take up a sport you won’t have limits, you’ll meet new people, new friends and Sport helps you if you have any problems,... and it joins all the countries together. As the London Olympics game is trying to inspire a generation of young people; "by giving hundreds of thousands of young people across the UK opportunities to learn new skills, try different activities and communities as a result of the London 2012 games; and improving the lives of millions disadvantaged young people around the world".

soccer sport horizontal kenya nairobi mathare slums mysa youth sports association girls football match
These young girls from Kokstard are playing soccer,
you can see that they love this sport because
 they play with their foot they dint have soccer boots,
that show that they love football no matter what!.

Practising a sport is very easy, and you only need to feel like it. In my town Kokstard, the main sports are football, basketball and Ruby but the common one it football because everyone loves football. The are sport based programme that have been shown to improve the learning performances of children and young people, encourage school attendance and a desire to succeed academically. Sports also provide a forum for young people to learn how to deal with competition and how to cope with both winning and losing, it can also have a positive benefits academical.
Finally, I think you should practise sports, it is the best thing that you can do. Just do it! Take up a sport!

Thursday 26 April 2012

Laughter is the best medicine.

                                    LAUGHTER IS THE BEST MEDICINE.

Young people laughing
business people laughing from left T Nkosi, N Smith and A George.

Laughter is still the best medicine, and the only one perhaps that has no side effects. When a person loughs you get to see the other side of him/her. Just hearing people laughing at about anything can certainly bring us to burst of laughter too. Still many believe and would agree that to certain extent laughter is as good a therapy in relieving stress as those recommended by the experts. However some still believe that when we laugh, the process can make our stomach and our lungs expand, which also improves our blood circulation, boost the immune system, strengthen the heart, lowers the blood pressure, and give the nervous system a good stimulant.
Laughing can release a chemical in our body known as endorphin, which is a prove natural high stimulant. In like manner it decreases the cortisol level in the body, which is a chemical that tell us the level of stress a person is going through. The public relations point of view a people who likes to laugh they are easy approachable because there always a smile to a person who laughs. No one can ever question the benefits of laughter to a person. It has been proven that laughter can surely help us feel better when we are sad and down, Truly laughter is still the best medicine.   when laughter is shared, it binds people together and increases happiness Laughter also triggers healthy physical changes in the body. Humour and laughter strengthen your immune system, boost your energy, diminish pain, and protect you from the damaging effects of stress.

Friday 20 April 2012


                                    IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO CHANGE.

South Africa is known as a country that has a high rate of "crime"  because most of young people  are exposed to drugs at a young age. They get into drug because they want to get rid of tress of not having food to eat and money to go to school. A 20 year old Brixton resident who live with the dead now enhances people lives as a beauty therapist, Jonathan George was once a victim to the Sorge of drugs, he started smoking drugs at the age of 18 with his friends. This young boy did not have someone to guide him. so he was guided by his friends.

Peter receives his City and Guilds certificate from Managing Director, Gordon Love.
Jonathan George awarded International certificate
 in beauty therapy by Dr Aleit Pretorious and Transformation
 and development centre. (

Young people in our communities need people who would guide them through, but Transforming and development centre is there to help young ones at Johannesburg Brixton community (Gauteng). It applies cooperate social investment by helping young people in the  community who have special needs, disabilities and people who can not afford further education. The transformation and development centre PR is aiming to to assist young people among the community to attain various Milt-disciplinary skill such as beauty therapy, upholstering and automotive repairers. From a public relations point of view most young people lack a communication skill with their parents that is why they end up doing crime because they want money to buy something for themselves. Dr Aleit Pretorios and the centre have given a new leas on a life of a 18 year old boy who was addicted to drugs. He is been awarded International certificate in a beauty therapy and his life will never be the some, if you know of a young person who has lost track of his/her life just let that person know about the Transformation development centre in Brixton, because the centre it here to make a life change to the young minds that are lost. Don't experience with drugs because they will ruin your life.

Friday 13 April 2012

Know your status.

                                                     KNOW YOUR STATUS.


Health Minister Aaron Motsoaledi told SOWETAN "that he was not surprised to hear that 43% of people living with HIV also had a mental disorder." it is because many people do not worry themselves to go and test and when they found out that they are HIV positive, they panic a lot and forgetting that you can still live a healthy life with HIV, Am saying to you the is life after knowing that you are HIV positive. AIDS is a life-threatening disease caused by infection with the HIV (virus) which creates a condition where the body gradually loses its ability to defend itself against other opportunistic and potentially life-threatening diseases. HIV infection is spread only when an adequate amount of infected body fluid enters the bloodstream of a non-infected person.

It is important to know your status as young as you are do not wait until you get sick to go and do HIV test, it is your responsibility as an individual to go and test after three months, do not wait for the HIV & AIDS campaigns to come to you. People should know that, when you go for HIV & aids test it is not that you are living a careless life but it is for you to know your status, because there is a say that says " if you don't know your staters that mean you are positive. "In the beginning of the all four UJ campuses had campaigns about HIV & AIDS they do this every year because their mission is to develop effective strategies continually in order to ensure that students of the University are better prepared, both professionally and personally, to deal with HIV and AIDS in South African society.   there is no excuse for you not to test because in our campuses we have clinics and they are all free of charge. just take a step of change in your life and be free as young as you are, make a change in your life.

Friday 6 April 2012


                                                                      GOOD FRIDAY

On good Friday Christians remember the day when Christ was crucified on the cross.
 Good friday.

Many people ask themselves what is good Friday, good Friday is the Friday before Easter Sunday.  some people may ask themselves Why is it called Good Friday? The name may be derived from 'God's Friday' in the same way that good-bye is derived from 'God be with you'.It is 'good' because the barrier of sin was broken.

what happened on Good Friday
Tree crosses, the middle cross was for Jesus
Jesus was arrested and was tried in a mock trial, he was handed over to the Roman soldiers to be beaten and flogged with whips. A crown of long, sharp thorn was thrust upon his head. Jesus was forced to carry his own cross outside the city to skull Hill. H e was so weak after the beating that a man named Simon, who was from Cyrano, was pulled from the crowd and forced to carry Jesus cross the rest of the way. Jesus was nailed to the cross. Two other criminals were crucified with him, their cross were on either side of him.
A sign above Jesus read, "The king of Jews".

                                                     According to the Bible

The third hour of the day - Jesus was nailed to the cross
(9:00 am). The six hour of the day - the darkness covered the land
(12:00 noon). The ninth hour of the day - the darkness left and the Lord died
(3:00 pm). These hours in the bible are calculated from the first hour of the day, being six in the morning. His death paid the penalty not for his own wrong doings but for ours. We have no reason not to remember this day in our live. this is the powerful weekend you don't want to miss.

Friday 30 March 2012

                            THE  WAY YOU DRESS SHOWS WHO YOU ARE



simple and beautiful.
Student do not want to dress completely when they come on campus, they like to re-veal their body's a lot. This is mostly done by female student, they seat in front in a lecture room with their cleavage out so that they can get all the attention they want. when you come to class it must not be like you are coming to a club. Last week Tuesday in communication class there was this girl who come late in class and she did not dress properly, student in class started to make funny noise and that girl started to be uncomfortable. am not trying to choose for people what to wear and what not but am saying be representable in your outfit, you don't have to be formal in-order to look representable.

you can look smart in this outfit.
Dress code is important, because the way you dress is the way you present who you are. Whether you like it or not your physical impression is the first one that you make with a person because what is it that you do when you meet someone you see them first with your eyes. There are certain things that are appropriate and others that are just not. People can respect you because of your smart dress code, but if you are dressed in a non-respectable way they won’t give you respect, because you did not respect yourself from the start.

Friday 23 March 2012

How to manage your budget as a student.

                             HOW TO MANAGE YOUR BUDGET AS A STUDENT.

be able to manage money as a student.

Creating a student budget plan is an important step every student can take to assess his or her financial wellness. A college student budget can help you keep track of your expenses, analyse your assets and income and set financial goals for yourself. And whether those goals are short- medium or long-term goals, a personal budget plan will help you reach them. The champion for the KZN-FLA, financial MEC Ina Cronje, was encouraging young people to make a budget, she  said " many children grow to adulthood without knowing how to handle money." As young people we think that drawing up a budget and learning how to handle money seems to be something for parents only.


she is stressed......,
Identify income and expenditures will help you:
To Gather all information that shows the inflows and outflows of your income. The easiest way to obtain this information is from bank statements. It would be helpful to have at least two to three months of bank statements to see an average amount of your expenditures. I know that student like to buy unnecessary thing, you should buy thing that you really need and avoid buying wants. Do not buy thing that you did not include in your budget because that will cost you and avoid to eat fast food. Plan, Create anticipated spending amounts for each area of expenditure by reviewing past expenditures on your banking statement. Take note of areas where you are spending more than needed and decide how to eliminate the unnecessary spending.

The following are examples of common areas of expenditures:
  • Rent
  • Utilities
  • Food
  • Credit Card Bills
  • Cell Phone
  • Clothing
  • Personal Care Items
  • School Related Expenses
            Monitor Your Spending:
Keep written records of all your purchases and payments. Save all receipts and track all transactions in a notebook or computerized budget using Excel, Quicken, or Microsoft Money. There are a variety of downloadable budgets on the web. this wiil help you to see were you have overspend.


Friday 16 March 2012

How to stay young healthy.

                                  HOW TO STAY YOUNG AND HEALTHY

It seems as if everyone today is searching for the Fountain of Youth. There is an undeniable desire amongst most people, especially women, to stay young, healthy and beautiful. When i was coming to school today, i heard  some student saying; " in order to stay young you must be a party animal, because when you drink alcohol you get vitamins that the body needs and the more you dance in a club the more you loose weight." but i say you don't have necessary to do that. there are many way you can do to keep yourself  young and healthy.

As a young person you should  have a healthy diet and eat super food. If you don’t know what super food is, it’s time you found out. You must eat food that is made from fresh, and organic, ingredients. Furthermore, concentrate on eating foods that are rich in antioxidants, such as berries, nuts, green tea, leafy greens, and salmon. Exercise and increase your lung capacity every morning you should go for jogging. This will help with circulation and help you maintain a healthy body weight. Remember to drink plenty of water. This component alone is key to a healthy body. Make sure you drink at least eight glasses of water a day. If you drink more, it can help you lose weight, improve your complexion, and stave off hunger. Finally, watch your blood pressure. Control stress and reduce your sodium intake. This will help improve mental and heart health and allow you relax easier and control your weight. Remember, if you stress too much, you age yourself more, have more health problems, tend to be unhappy, and forget to enjoy life.

Friday 9 March 2012


The biggest problem that is faced by young people today is unemployment. because we come in different backgrounds, were some of us did not get the opportunity to go to school. (sonny Cotton) think that the biggest problem for unemployment is; "because of the universal downturn in the economy coupled with the technology whereby particular jobs and skills are made obsolete, many youth today are experiencing problems in obtaining jobs". the threat to unemployment means financial worries, most of them find them selves in drugs, because they are trying to forget what they are facing that time. stealing and doing prostitution in order for them to get something to eat. I think the government should start looking to these problems with a different eye, because if they don't the youth of south Africa will be lost and our country Will be not a safe country, to live in. because youth Will do drugs and drugs leads the to crime. 

Another problem faced by young people is the tension between them and their parents and they find it difficult to work on it. this is coursed by the poor relationship they have with their parent. most of young people spend most of the time with friends than they should with their parents,  it may be parents are at work and children are at school. The area which pose a concern to young people and their parents is dating and sex, as some parent are more over protective to allow their children to go out with an opposite sex because they are worried that their children may be infected with AIDS. I think it will be a good idea for parents to talk to their children as early as 8 years old about sex and dating, because they become expose to that when thy start doing grade one."Some surveys have shown that the primary source of information most children, start to do sex at the age of ten because of the pressure they get from their peers, not from their parents. The tension between young people and their parent is caused by the poor communication that they have with their parent, parent should communicate with their children more of fen than they do. this will help them to develop strong relationship with their children's.